May 7, 2009

Blog Updates!

Hello again. As you've probably noticed by now, our blog has some new additions. First, we have added a calendar on the side, which shows "what we're watching" in the next few days, so you can watch what we're watching along with us! We Like TV is also now on Twitter! You'll find a link to our Twitter on the right side of the page. If you follow us on Twitter, your Twitter page will receive a notification whenever we update the blog, as well as some exclusive little tweets that won't be on the blog! Follow us!

Also, keep checking back, as we continue to improve the blog, such as updating the picture of the DVDs in the top banner to reflect all our new TV DVD additions!

Edit: We forgot to mention that as of now, the feed going to Twitter updates with current entries but then since we put our Twitter directly on the blog, all blog posts will appear both in the main area of the blog as well as in summary form in the Twitter widget. Until we figure out how to make this not happen, we guess you'll just have to read everything twice. Twice as nice!

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